What is Dyslexia ?


Dyslexia is best thought of as a continuum, not a distinct category, and there are no clear cut-off points. Until recently, a child was deemed to either have or not have dyslexia.  It is now recognised that there is no sharp dividing line between having a learning difficulty such as dyslexia and not having it.”

The Rose Report (2009) 


Local Support

Two local charities offer advice and support to parents:

wiltshire dyslexia association - The Wiltshire branch of the British Dyslexia Association

marlborough district dyslexia - The Marlborough and District Dyslexia Association

Useful links

There is a wealth of information available on the internet about dyslexia. Listed below are some useful websites:

bdadyslexia  – The home of the British Dyslexia Association

the dyslexia-spldtrust – Funded by the Department of Education, the SpLD Trust informs, advises and signposts training, interventions and up-to-date research on dyslexia

madebydyslexia – A global charity led by dyslexics which seeks to promote more understanding of and support for dyslexia

localoffer - Cognition & Learning Advisory Support Service (CLASS)