
School colours and clothing are as follows:

Grey skirt or trousers; white blouse or shirt or polo shirt, red cardigan, sweatshirt, pullover, sweater or fleece. Plain dark shorts may be worn in summer.

Red and white checked or striped dresses may be worn in summer. Plain dark shorts may also be worn in summer.

Red sweatshirts and fleeces embroidered with the school logo are available from the school supplier OHM directly either to be collected or delivered. These are very good value and rarely wear out. Please make sure they are named!

Please make sure that your child wears appropriate clothes for school and sensible shoes should be worn, e.g. high heels and strappy sandals are not suitable for walking around school or playing on the playground. No jeans, football kits, hoodies, crop tops, strappy t-shirts or other extremes of fashion are allowed.

Book bags, PE bags and water bottles can be purchased from the school office - Cash or cheque only please (on pay online using your Scopay account).

We also collect good quality used school uniform, PE kit, daps and leather shoes for the second hand shop please.  Parents who wish to donate or purchase used items can call in to the Acorn building any Friday morning. 



PE Clothing

All children need their PE kit (preferably white T-shirt or polo shirt  with black above the knee shorts) in school every day. This should named and kept in a named bag. Children wear daps or work with bare feet in PE lessons in the hall, and wear trainers or daps for outside PE lessons.


Pre-loved School Uniform

Uniform Policy