We are a welcoming, friendly school with an inclusive mindset. Our aim is to support children to reach their full potential and to enjoy a happy and stimulating educational experience. We are very proud to be a school that offers a calm and nurturing environment where children with additional needs can feel safe and secure.
Please find our annual report, plus our SEN Policy below:
Our Special Educational Needs Coordinator is Mrs Bethan Fry. She has a wide experience of supporting children with SEN, both as a class teacher and member of the leadership team at Eldene and at other local schools in the past. Feel free to contact her through the school office if you wish to discuss whether Eldene School could be the right place for your child.
Our school has held the Dyslexia-Friendly Quality Mark for seven years. Currently, all our classrooms have a Teaching Assistant during morning lessons, and we also support children with interventions during afternoons. We have four Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSAs) and our school benefits from the services of an Emotional Mental Health Practitioner (EMHP) through B U Swindon. We run several social skills and nurture groups every week, and our staff have received training in Attachment Disorder and Autism. We also have a Teaching Assistant who specialises in supporting children with speech and language difficulties. More detailed information can be found in our SEN Report .
Special Resourced Provision (SRP)
Our school has an SRP for KS2 children with an EHCP for complex needs. Further details on admission criteria can be found in our SEN Report, or by contacting the SRP Manager, Miss Fran King. Please note that parents cannot apply for an SRP place through mainstream school admissions.
The Swindon Local Offer
Local Authorities and schools are required to publish information about services that are available for children and young people with special educational needs aged 0-25. This is referred to as the ‘Local Offer’. Swindon has published its local offer. It is available from the Swindon SEND Local Offer website
Swindon Coffee Morning Autism Support
If your child has additional needs, it is not easy learning to understand and manage their speech and language challenges. Getting the right information and support can be hard work.
Contact and Speech and Language UK have created two workshops just for parents. These sessions are designed to help you to think about how you can best understand and support your child and how you can share this knowledge with others who are involved with your child.
More details of the workshops and the booking link can be found here.
Continuum of provisions January 2024
Autism Resource for parents and children
Holiday activities and food programme
Parenting advice from our child mental health experts
Free Mental Health Service for Children and Young People
Mindler - digital therapy provider
Autism Central for Parents and Carers
Watch My Autism and Me - a Newsround special
POSTER Information for Parents Survey
Identifying and supporting children with SEND
Identifying and supporting children with SEND page2