Safeguarding Information for Parents & Carers
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy and Procedures
Child Criminal Exploitation
Criminal Exploitation: A guide for parents
Parents Against Child Exploitation - Parents are often the first to notice that their child is being exploited. It is so important to act quickly and intervene early if you suspect your child is being exploited. Listen to some affected parents talk about the changes they noticed in their child
Parents and Carers Toolkit: Keeping your child safe online
NSPCC PANTS: How to talk to your child about staying safe from sexual abuse
Kidscape Advice cyberbullying & digital safety
CEOP Child exploitation & online protection
What, when, why and who to trust online
How to set up parental controls for iphone
How to set up parental controls for android
In order to ensure that children are safe during our school closure, we have put in place systems to make regular contact with families. If you have any concerns please ring Contact Swindon team at Swindon Borough Council on 01793 464646 (office hours) or 01793 436699 (out of hours)