
Statement of Intent for Science


Science will broaden the children’s scientific view of the world, through a combination of knowledge and skills-based lessons, which will promote excitement, challenge and discussion.


Science Protocol 2024-25

Science content

In Science, we teach at least the expectations of the EYFS Framework using Development Matters guidance and the Key Stage 1 & 2 National Curriculum Programmes of Study.

Below you will find an overview of what your child will be expected to learn in each of the Key Stages.

Development Matters 2023

Years 1-6 National Curriculum: Science

Curriculum design for Science

The design of our science curriculum is supported by the Cornerstones resources and the ‘Love to Investigate’ modules. As the children progress through the school, we teach a layering of knowledge and skills, mainly through cross-curricular topics but also with some discreet teaching. Science experiments will be linked to the real world, and provide opportunities for children to extend their own thinking. Children will take increased responsibility for planning and executing experiments, as they move through the school. Investigations will frequently be collaborative and based around the sharing of ideas.

LTP Curriculum Coverage Y1/2/SRP Cycle A and B

LTP Curriculum Coverage Y3/4 Cycle A

LTP Curriculum Coverage Y3/4 Cycle B

LTP Curriculum Coverage Y5/6 Cycle A

LTP Curriculum Coverage Y5/6 Cycle B

Skills coverage in science 2024-25

Curriculum Choices for Science

  • Cornerstones curriculum
  • ‘Love to Investigate’ modules (minimum of one per term)
  • Annual science Week