
Statement of Intent for Mathematics


Maths is essential for everyday life.  All children will leave Eldene with a love of Mathematics and problem-solving, and will be well-equipped to embrace Mathematics both as a subject and as part of their daily lives. They will be ready to face the challenges of the next steps in their education.


Maths Protocol

Mathematics content

In Mathematics, we teach at least the expectations of the EYFS Framework using Development Matters guidance and the Key Stage 1 & 2 National Curriculum Programmes of Study.

Below you will find an overview of what your child will be expected to learn in each of the Key Stages.

Development Matters 2023

Years 1-6 National Curriculum: Mathematics

Curriculum design for Mathematics:

Our Mathematics curriculum is designed to follow an adapted ‘Singapore’ approach based on the learning and layering of skills and applying these to a variety of reasoning and problem solving opportunities. We aspire for the skills and mind sets of mathematics to be applied in a mixture of scenarios and situations including real life challenges using our whole school environment. Wherever appropriate, we strive to link mathematics to other areas of the curriculum and their daily lives, giving children the opportunities to develop and reinforce knowledge and skills already established in context. To enable our children to gain the basic skills in mental arithmetic we spend dedicated time through ‘Tiger Maths’ providing a focused learning opportunity to build on these fundamental life skills.

Skills Progression 2023-24

Curriculum Choices for Mathematics:

  • Planning Resources - Classroom Secrets, White Rose, Mobius Hub, NCETM Mastering Number
  • Times Tables Rockstars
  • Numbots
  • Money