
Statement of Intent for French


At Eldene, we aim to foster an enthusiasm and curiosity to learn about different languages and cultures through the teaching of French. We believe that language learning leads to a deeper understanding of the world and those living in it. 


French Protocol

French content

Teaching is in line with the recommendations of the Key Stage 2 National Curriculum Programmes of Study, adapted to the differentiated needs of the children. It takes full account of the different experiences, strengths and interests of the children whilst also complying with the requirements and guidance on inclusion.

Below you will find an overview of what your child will be expected to learn in KS2.

KS2 National Curriculum: Languages

Curriculum design for French

The curriculum is designed to enable the children to speak French with increasing confidence and fluency through discussion, asking questions and continually improving the accuracy of their pronunciation and intonation. Children will understand and respond to spoken and written language from a variety of sources, such as stories, videos, games and interactive media. 

The children will learn to write at varying length, for different purposes and audiences, using the variety of grammatical structures that they have learnt.

Alongside this learning they will develop an understanding of the varied cultures of French–speaking countries.

LTP Curriculum mapping 2024-25

Skill Progression 2024-25

 Curriculum Choices for French

  • At Eldene, the modern foreign language we choose to teach is French. This subject has been chosen in collaboration with all the other primary schools feeding into the main catchment secondary school, so that all children joining the school in Year 7, bring similar experiences from primary their settings in preparation for their learning of modern foreign languages at the beginning of KS3.

  • French is taught in KS2 by class teachers using a scheme of work based on the National Curriculum programme of study.