Compass Collaboration

Compass Collaboration

We are a school with a strong, strategic vision. We believe in school to school improvement, continuous school development, outward-facing relationships, sustainability of practice and excellence for the children and families in our care. We enjoy working with others to build our practice and share our expertise.



We have chosen to be a member of the Compass Collaboration of schools. We are six schools in the Swindon area with shared and similar contexts. Each school is either a serving infant, junior or primary school setting. We are mixture of maintained and academy settings that choose to work together with a focus on school improvement.

The Compass Collaboration is facilitated by experienced School Improvement Partners (SIPs), Bill and Sarah Jerman, who we share as SIPs across our settings.




Which schools are in the Compass Collaboration?



Beechcroft Infants' School





Lainesmead Primary School and Nursery 




        Colebrook Junior School



Crowdys Hill School